If the advertisements aired during a program are a correct indication of market demographics, then the television evening news audience consists of a bunch of asthma-ridden, bladder-control-issue suffering, erectile dysfunctional people. And those of us who are NOT Baby Boomers get to enjoy the ridiculous commercials that have the pharmaceutical solutions to these problems.
I particularly like the Cialis commercials. If you get your news on the internet, or record it and forward through the commercials, or use any number of other technological advances that eliminate you from this demographic, you may have missed this piece of marketing genius in which a couple is shown in several romantic settings such as a field of flowers, or lakeside during a majestic sunset, holding hands from their separate Victorian bathtubs. The first time I saw one of these commercials, I thought that I had misunderstood what the product was. After all, it's a large leap from separate bathtubs to happy sex life. Particularly separate bathtubs in a random and possibly public setting. If a man were to ask me to help him drag a couple of bathtubs out into the woods, it really wouldn't matter if he were able to perform or not.
I also like the part of the commercial where it tells you to check with your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough for sexual activity. The doctors know what this drug does when they prescribe it, right? Is it really necessary to remind them only to prescribe items that won't kill their patients? “Oh, that's right! You have that pesky heart thing going on. Give me that prescription back.”
And the best part of the commercial is at the very end, when they suggest you look for their ad in Golf Digest magazine. Do a lot of people take them up on that? Wasn't sitting through the commercial on television bad enough? Who is really going to go take a jaunt to the store to see what else they have to say?
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